July 2022

Surf and Turf: Beef Sirloin Steak with Fresh Scallops

Videos Included

Ingredients List

14oz Sirloin Steak

2 Fresh Scallops

1 Red Onion

1 Fresh Tomato

4-8 Garlic Cloves

Rapeseed (Canola) or Avocado Oil - Plain Olive Oil will do

Unsalted Butter - Unsalted gives you more control over the Seasoning

Sea Salt

Black Pepper

Fresh Rosemary

Fresh Thyme

Scotch Bonnet Pepper (Optional)

Fresh Fruit for Desert (Optional)

Prep -Scallops

Open the Scallops with a Knife as seen in the video below

Remember to Cut along the Flat Sided Shell

After exposing the inside, used a knife to Cut the Scallop away from the Curved Shell - A Flexible Knife if best for this process

Tear away the black region, this is the Stomach

Most people also like to tear away the Gonad (Orange area in Females, White in Males) and the Skirt (the parts attached to the Shells, however I like to eat them to reduce waste and increase Protein and Vitamin & Mineral intake.

After Removing the stomach, make sure to thoroughly rinse the Scallop under the tap - There should be no Black/Brown residue on the Scallop - Video Below

Prep - Sides

Slice the Onions in half across the layers as seen in the picture below

Slice the Scotch Bonnet Pepper into Quarters

Crush the Garlics with your hand or a knife to expose the inside. Leave the Skins on as they will protect the Garlics from Burning

Slice the Tomato into Halves

Apply a generous helping of Salt and Pepper to one side of the Steak

Prep - Steaks

I like to Prep the Steaks last and Cook them first

Sirloin Steaks have a layer of Fat on one Edge - Fat and Muscle tense up on Hot Skillets but they do this at different rates and intensities and the Fat pad tenses up more causing the Muscle to buckle and fold oddly - To prevent this, Cut the Fat pad a few times with a sharp Knife as seen in the photos below

Season one side heavily with Salt and Pepper and remember to do this to the edges - Especially the Fat Pad

Cooking Instructions - Steak

The Following Recipe is for a Medium-Rare Steak. For Steaks closer to Medium and Well-Done, follow the same technique but see the end to further Instructions/Minor Changes to the Technique to attain your desired level of done-ness. Please read these before you start cooking as you may need to pre-heat the oven while cooking for Well-Done options.

Bring the Cast Iron Skillet or Pan to a Scorching High Heat

Pour some Oil onto it and and wait a 15 seconds before Placing the Steak on the Scorching Skillet with the Salted Side Down

The Idea is to leave the Steak untouched for a few minutes to allow it to Sear fully. A Consistent Dark Crust across the surface is the look we are aiming for

Season the Top of the Steak generously with Salt and Pepper while it Cooks

After 2-3 mins, flip the Steak over

VERY IMPORTANT - Place the Steak onto its Fatty Edge for at least 1.5 mins on High Heat - You may have to hold it gently with your Fingers, Tongs or a Fork to prevent it from falling over - Don’t worry about burning the Fat - It doesn’t burn easily and tastes better when cooked for longer - You cant probably even push it to 3 mins

Flip the Steak onto its other Edge for 30 secs to 1 min

Place the Steak back onto its flat Side to bring the sides back up to temperature for 30 secs each

After the second side is done - Place Some Garlics and Pieces of Scotch Bonnet Peppers on top of the Steak, then place Rosemary and Thyme on top of them.

Drop the rest of the Garlic and Scotch Bonnet Pepper on the Pan and add a big block of Unsalted Butter

Once the Butter has melted, tilt the pan and Baste the Steak with the melted Butter - As the Butter moves through the Herbs, Chilli and Garlic, it gains flavours and passed them through to the steak before hitting the pan and picking up more flavour when frying the Chilli and Garlic

Don’t Worry about the amount of Butter here - The Steak Doesn’t Absorb most of it

After about 1.5 mins scrape off the Herbs and Flip the Steak then place the Herbs back on top of the Steak

Tilt the Skillet and Baste the other side the same way for 1.5 mins

NOTE: See below for options for Medium to Well-Done Options before Continuing

Remove the Steak from the pan and place on a plate to rest with the Herbs, Chilli and Garlic on top

Spoon some of the Butter on top of the Steak and allow to rest while you prepare the Scallops and Sides - Resting it can be hard to do as many people like to eat piping hot food, but trust me, the flavour is far superior. I personally can’t eat an unrested steak anymore.

NOTE: For this Recipe resting the Steak for 15 mins instead of my preferred 10 mins. This 15 mins is enough time to get the Sides and Scallops done but a Steak of this Thickness maintains Heat well

Different Levels of Done-ness

NOTE: If you have not used a Cast-Iron Skillet or Full Metal Pan and you opt to place the Steak in the Oven with the options below, make sure you transfer it to an Oven-Ready Dish before you do so.


Option 1 - Before Cooking, turn the Oven to 200 Degrees Celsius. After Butter Basting, add a small amount of Oil to the Skillet to prevent the Butter from burning and and place directly into the oven for 5-7 mins depending on the thickness of the Steak

Option 2 - Continue to Baste the Steak for another 2 mins each side before placing in the oven for 5-7 mins depending on the thickness of the Steak


Before Cooking, turn the Oven to 200 Degrees Celsius. After Butter Basting, add a small amount of Oil to the Skillet to prevent the Butter from burning and and place directly into the oven for 10-12 mins depending on the thickness of the Steak

Cooking Instructions - Butter-Basted Sides

Add some Oil to the remaining Butter in the Skillet to prevent the Butter from Burning

Add more Unsalted Butter to the Skillet and immediately place the Onion halves flat side down onto the Skillet

Add a generous helping of Salt and Pepper to the Butter

Leave them for a 1 min before beginning to Baste like the Video below - You’ll notice that I added an Aubergine from my Plant - These are optional but I don’t think they go well with this dish to be honest

Tilt to the Skillet to the side and Butter-Baste the Onions continuously - Remember to keep the Heat High by dropping the pan to flat occasionally so that the Butter stays Hot enough to Cook the Onion from above

Flip the Onions occasionally to baste onto the Flat Side before flipping back

This process of Basting should take 7-10 mins

Cooking Instructions - Scallops

Add some Oil to the remaining Butter in the Skillet to prevent the Butter from Burning

Season one flat side of the Scallops with Salt and Pepper (I forgot to do this in the video FYI - so I salted them before eating them)

Place the Seasoned side of the Scallops onto the Skillet

After 1 min flip the Scallops and Season the top side

After 1 min flip them again - Cook for 1 min and flip one more time - allowing to cook for 1 min

Altogether you will have cooked each side for 2 mins each - Cook 1 min, Flip, Cook 1 min, Flip Cook 1 min, Flip, Cook 1 min


Place the Rested Steak it on the Serving Plate first

Place the Scallops down on the opposite side to the Fat Pad

Place the Onions down next to the Scallops or on the opposite side of the Steak

Place the Tomatoes on the Aft Pad Side

The Herbs have done their job but you can place them on the opposites side of the Onions for presentation as they add a Green colour to the plate preferably under the Fatty edge of of the Steak with the Onions and Tomatoes on top

Add the Scotch Bonnet Slices and Garlics to the plate. These should be cut into small slices to eat with every bite for extra flavour - They can act as a sauce (pictured below)